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Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

Exercise 1

A. Multiple Choice Answer Type.

1. Bacteria are no more classified as plants primarily because:

(a) these are unicellular
(b) these are microscopic
(c) many of them are parasitic
(d) they have no chlorophyll

2. A particular species of which one of the following, is the source bacterium of the antibiotic,          discovered next to penicillin, for the treatment of tuberculosis?

(a) Escherichia
(b) Streptomyces
(c) Rhizobium
(d) Nitrobacter

3. Which bacteria is rod shaped?

(a) Coccus 
(b) Spirillum
(c) Bacillus
(d) Vibrio

4. Which bacteria fixes nitrogen in the soil?

(a) Nitrobacter
(b) Nitrosomonas
(c) Rhizobium
(d) Clostridium

Solution A.

1. (d) they have no chlorophyll
2. (b) Streptomyces
3. (c) Bacillus
4. (c) Rhizobium

B. Very Short Type Answer

     1. Name the three common types of bacteria.

Solution B.1.

The three common types of bacteria are:

1. Cocci (spherical bacteria)
2. Bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria)
3. Spirilla (spiral bacteria)

2. The three common types of bacteria are:

(i) Cocci (spherical bacteria)
(ii) Bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria)
(iii) Spirilla (spiral bacteria)

Solution B.2.
Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi
C. Short Type Answer

1.Would you consider the bacteria and yeast as plants? Give reason.

Solution C.1.

No, bacteria and yeast are not considered as plants because they do not have chlorophyll and their mode of nutrition is not autotrophic, which are characteristic features of plants.

2.In what form bacteria may be present in the air?

Solution C.2.

Bacteria may be present in the form of spores in the air.

3.Why is spore formation in bacteria not considered as a form of reproduction?

Solution C.3.

Spore formation in bacteria is not considered as a form of reproduction because bacteria reproduce only asexually by means of fission or cell division. Spore formation is just a method of escaping unfavourable conditions.

4.In what respect do you consider bacteria as simple organisms?

Solution C.4.

Bacteria are unicellular organisms that lack membrane bound cell organelles like chloroplast, mitochondria, etc. and even a well-defined nucleus is absent which states that they have a simpler cellular organization.

5.State the differences between

(a) Decay and Putrefaction
(b) Pasteurization and Sterilization

Solution C.5.

(a) Decay and Putrefaction

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

6. Why is it generally advised that every living room in the house should get direct sunlight at       least for a short time?

Solution C.6.

Direct sunlight contains ultraviolet radiations of the sun, which help in killing of mould spores present in air.

D. Long Type Answer

1. Both bacteria and yeast reproduce by asexual method, but how does this method differ in them?

Solution D.1.

Bacteria reproduce asexually by means of fission (binary fission), while yeast reproduces asexually by budding producing chains.

2. Describe the role of micro-organisms in industrial production.

Solution D.2.

Role of micro-organisms in industrial production:

1. Bacteria are used in the production of vinegar and in the processing of coffee, tobacco, etc.
2. Different flavours of tea, coffee, etc. are produced by certain bacteria.
3. Tanning of leather is basically brought about by sunlight, but there are a few micro-                              organisms which are involved in this process.
4. Fibres used for making rope, linen, etc. are obtained by loosening the fibres of hemp and                       flax by retting, which involves the use of bacteria.
5. Bacteria are used for the large-scale production of antibiotics, enzymes, hormones, serum,                   vaccines and toxoids.

3.How do bacteria obtain their nourishment?

Solution D.3.

Modes of nutrition in bacteria:

1. Autotrophic bacteria: Able to synthesize their own food
a. Photoautotrophs: Contain chlorophyll and use light energy for the synthesis of food
b. Chemoautotrophs: Obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic compounds
2. Heterotrophic bacteria: Require organic compounds as their main source
a. Saprophytes: Grow on dead and decaying organic matter
b. Parasites: Obtain their food from living host on which they grow

4.Describe any two uses of bacteria in industry.

Solution D.4.

Uses of bacteria in industry:

1. Tea curing: Certain bacteria are used to produce different flavours of tea.
2. Tanning of leather: Tanning of leather is basically brought about by sunlight, but there are a few bacteria which are involved in this process.

5.What are antibiotics? Name any two examples.

Solution D.5.

Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by a living organism that kill or stop the growth of disease-causing micro-organisms such as fungi and bacteria.

Examples of antibiotics:

1. Penicillin

2. Streptomycin

6. Is tinned and sealed food always safe to eat? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Solution D.6.

No, tinned and sealed food are not always safe to eat as they may contain harmful bacteria like Clostridium botulinum, which may cause serious food poisoning resulting in Botulism. In extreme cases, this condition may even prove to be fatal for life.

E. Skill Types

1.Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow:
Selina Solutions Icse Class 9 Biology Chapter - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi 

(a) Briefly describe how nitrogen of the atmosphere is converted to nitrates by leguminous plants.(b) Name the bacterium that converts
(i) ammonium compounds to nitrites
(ii) nitrites to nitrates
(c) State how the nitrates in the soil get converted to nitrogen of the atmosphere.
(d) Role of plants and animals in the formation of ammonium compounds.

Solution E.1.

(a) Soil bacteria such as Rhizobium are present in the root nodules of leguminous plants. These bacteria convert free nitrogen of the soil atmosphere to soluble nitrates.
(b) (i) Nitrosomonas converts ammonium compounds to nitrites.
(ii) Nitrobacter converts nitrites to nitrates.
(c) Denitrifying bacteria in the soil break down nitrates present in the soil to release nitrogen gas which enters the atmosphere.
(d) Nitrifying bacteria present in the soil convert nitrogenous wastes of animals and dead remains of plants and animals to ammonia. Ammonia is then converted to ammonium compounds. In this way, plants and animals help in the formation of ammonium compounds.

Exercise 2

A. Multiple Choice Types.

1. Production of ethanol (C2H5OH) occurs in one of the life processes of:

(a) Bread mould
(b) Yeast
(c) Mushroom
(d) Penicillium

2. Which one of the following characteristics is found in all fungi but not in all bacteria?

(a) Aerobic respiration
(b) Cell wall
(c) Spore formation
(d) A long circular DNA lying loose in the cytoplasm

3. Bacteria are referred to as prokaryotes because

(a) They have no chlorophyll.
(b) They are unicellular.
(c) They are free living.
(d) They do not have a true nucleus.

4. Yeast is used in the production of

(a) Ethyl alcohol
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Cheese
(d) Curd

Solution A.1.

     1. (b) Yeast
     2. (c) Spore formation
     3. (d) They do not have a true nucleus.
     4. (a) Ethyl alcohol

B. Very Short Answer Type

1. Tick Selina Solutions Icse Class 9 Biology Chapter - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And      Fungimark the correct statement/statements.

(a) All mushrooms are poisonous.
(b) All toadstools are poisonous.
(c) Some toadstools are poisonous.
(d) Some mushrooms are edible.

Solution B.1.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

C. Short Answer Type

1.Where can you find the mould Rhizopus most easily found?

Solution C.1.

Rhizopus is the common bread mould. It grows not only on bread, but also on a variety of organic matter such as paper, wood, cloth, animal dung, leather goods and food materials such as fruit, bread, pickles, chapati, etc. particularly in warm and humid climate.

2. Why is it generally advised that every living room in the house should get direct sunlight at least for a short time?

Solution C.2.

Direct sunlight contains ultraviolet radiations of the sun which help in killing of mould spores present in air.

3. Describe the role of certain fungi in industrial production.

Solution C.3.

Role of certain fungi in industrial production:

1. Preparation of fermented foods and bakery products
2. Preparation of alcoholic beverages
3. Preparation of organic acids
4. Production of enzymes
5. Production of antibiotics
6. Production of alcohol
7. Production of wine
8. Bread-making
9. Cheese making
10. Mushroom cultivation

4. Mention two useful and harmful effects of wine.

Solution C.4.

Useful effects of wine:

In mild quantities, wine acts as a stimulant.
It can be used to stimulate hunger, reduce anxiety and improve digestion
 Harmful effects of wine:
In large quantities, wine can trigger asthma attack and increase blood pressure.
It can cause body ailments, particularly liver cirrhosis.

5. Differentiate between:

(a) Saprophyte and parasite
(b) Aerobic and anaerobic respiration with regard to products
(c) Decay and putrefaction

Solution C.5.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

D. Long Answer Type

1.What are antibiotics? Name any two examples.

Solution D.1.

Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by a living organism that kill or stop the growth of disease-causing micro-organisms such as fungi and bacteria.

Examples of antibiotics:

1. Penicillin
2. Streptomycin

2. Is tinned and sealed food always safe to eat? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Solution D.2.

No, tinned and sealed food are not always safe to eat as they may contain harmful bacteria like Clostridium botulinum, which may cause serious food poisoning resulting in Botulism. In extreme cases, this condition may even prove to be fatal for life.

3. Would there be any bacteria in an aquarium?

Solution D.3.

Bacteria can be present in an aquarium.
Bacteria are present everywhere; in air, soil, water and foodstuffs. They are found in boiling                water and also below 0°C. They are present on the bodies of all living and non-living                            organisms. They live on readymade food. In short, they are omnipresent.
Bacteria are heterotrophic and may be decomposers or micro-aerobic in nature. Their mode of              reproduction is very fast.

E. Skill Types

1. If you leave a piece of moist bread covered under a small bell jar at a warm place, mould grows  on it in a few days. Answer the following with reference to this observation:

(a) How did the mould get inside the bell-jar?
(b) What would happen if the bread was not covered by the bell-jar?
(c) What would happen if moist bread was placed in a refrigerator?
(d) What happens first on the bread-the mycelia or the spores?
(e) How does bread mould obtain nourishment? What type of nourishment is it- epiphytic,             autotrophic, parasitic symbiotic, or saprophytic?

Solution E.1.

(a) Moulds are commonly present in air, water, etc. Hence, they were already present when moist bread was kept covered with the bell-jar.

(b) If bread was not covered with the bell-jar, moulds would have still appeared, but after some time. The warm and humid conditions inside the bell-jar promote rapid production of mould.

(c) Moulds do not grow below freezing point inside a refrigerator.

(d) Mycelia appear first on the bread.

(e) Bread mould obtains its nourishment through extracellular digestion from the substratum on which it grows. This mode of nourishment is called saprophytic nutrition.

2.Write in proper sequence the five major steps in cultivation of the common edible mushrooms.

Solution E.2.

Major steps in the cultivation of common edible mushrooms:

  1. Composting: Composting involves mixing of various components such as wheat or paddy    straw, chicken manure and organic and inorganic fertilizers in a fixed proportion. The temperature of compost is maintained at around 50°C. The compost is kept undisturbed for about one week.
  2. Spawning: ‘Mushroom seed’ in the form of mycelium of mushroom to be grown is introduced  into the heap of compost and left for spreading for around two days.
  3. Casing: Casing is the most important step of mushroom cultivation. It involves spreading of a  thin layer of soil over the compost. This provides humidity and support to the mushroom. It   also serves to prevent the desiccation of the compost heap and helps in temperature regulation at around 20°C-25°C to forbid the growth of pests and diseases. The provision for circulating  air around the compost bed should also be made.
  4. Cropping and harvesting:Three major growth stages are observed, before mushrooms attain a    fully grown form. Firstly, the mycelium, i.e. a network of fibrous mass, spreads out in 2 to 6      weeks, followed by the tiny pin head stage and finally the button stage, which is marked by an increase in the mushroom size, until it acquires marketable size.
  5. Preservation: Mushrooms have a very short shelf-life. Processes such as vacuum cooling,           bombardment by gamma radiation, followed by storage at 15°C, freeze drying in a solution of    citric acid, ascorbic acid and brine, etc. are used for the preservation of mushrooms.
3. Comment on the following:

(a) Denitrifying bacteria are a blessing as well as a curse to farmers.
(b) Yeast is used in bakeries and breweries.

Solution E.3.

(a). Denitrifying bacteria are a boon to farmers because they curb the excess supply of nitrates to plants. Excessive nitrates can even harm the ecosystem as a whole because some wild plants like cultivated crops can thrive on nitrogen. Growth of these plants is favoured in nitrogen-saturated environments which can upset the ecosystem. Denitrifying bacteria are a curse to farmers because they breakdown soil nitrates to release free nitrogen gas into the atmosphere, thereby reducing the levels of nitrogenous compounds in the soil.

Yeast respires anaerobically in the absence of oxygen. It breaks down carbohydrates into simpler products such as ethanol by fermentation. The quality of alcohol produced varies with the kind of yeast employed.

(b). During the baking process, yeast added to the dough ferments sugar and produces carbon dioxide. This causes the dough to rise, and when baked, the gas bubbles expand, giving the bread a light and spongy texture. Therefore, yeast is used in bakeries and breweries.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 9 - Economic Importance Of Bacteria And Fungi

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