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Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 18 - Health Organisations

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 18 - Health Organisations

Exercise 1

A. Multiple Choice Answer Type

1. Red Cross Day is celebrated on

(a) May 8

(b) June 23
(c) September 17
(d) November 21

 2. WHO headquarters are located in

(a) Paris

(b) Berlin
(c) Geneva

(d) New York 

Solution A.
  1. (a) May 8
  2. (c) Geneva
B. Very Short Answer Type

1. Match the activities in Column I with the respective organisation in Column II (there can be one or more than one activity).

Column I
Column II
(i) To extend relief to victims of earthquake.
(ii) To lay pharmaceutical standards for Important drugs.
(iii) Arranging ambulance in emergencies. 
(iv) To suggest quarantine measures.
(v) Training of midwives.
(vi) Procuring and supplying blood for transfusion.
(A) Red Cross

Solution B.1.
Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 18  - Health Organisations
2. Where are the headquarters of WHO located? 

Solution B.2.

The headquarters of WHO is located in Geneva.

3. What do the following abbreviations stand for?

(a) WHO

(b) UNO 

Solution B.3.

(a) WHO: World Health Organization

(b) UNO: United Nations Organization

C. Short Answer Type

1.List any three health problems in India.

Solution C.1.

Health problems in India:

1. Food- and water-borne diseases:
                Contaminated food and water cause several diseases.
                Water-borne diseases occur due to contaminated water from hand pumps or mixing of                          untreated sewage with river water.
2. Insect- and air-borne diseases:
                Lack of cleanliness leads to breeding of houseflies and mosquitoes which are carriers of                      certain diseases.
3.  Lack of medical facilities:
                Lack of medical facilities especially in rural areas leads to unavoidable deaths and damage                  to health. Lack of knowledge and superstitious beliefs also delay timely treatment which                      may result in serious consequences.

2.State two functions of WHO.

Solution C.2.

Functions of WHO:
  1. To promote and support projects for research on diseases
  2. To collect and supply information about the occurrence of diseases of an epidemic nature such as cholera, plague and yellow fever
3. State the main functions of Red Cross.

Solution C.3.

Functions of Red Cross:
  1. To extend relief and help to the victims of any calamity – flood, fire, famine and earthquake
  2. To procure and supply blood for needy victims of war and other calamities
  3. To extend all possible first-aid in an accident
  4. To arrange for ambulance services in emergencies
4.State the main functions of World Health Organisation.

Solution C.4.

Functions of World Health Organization (WHO):
  1. To promote and support projects for research on diseases
  2. To collect and supply information about the occurrence of diseases of epidemic nature such as cholera, plague and yellow fever
  3. To lay pharmaceutical standards for important drugs, to ensure purity and size of the dose
  4. To organise campaigns for the control of epidemic (widespread) and endemic (local) diseases
D. Long Answer Type

1. Describe the reasons for the formation of WHO.

Solution D.1.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN)                   which is concerned with international public health.
It was established on 7 April 1948, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a member            of the United Nations Development Group.
Member countries of the UNO focused on the need for creating an international body to look              after the health problems of the people of the world.
This need was particularly felt in the field of research on the causes and cures of diseases.
Combined efforts in this direction were to give better and faster results.
Poor and developing countries were to benefit quickly.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 18  - Health Organisations

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