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Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

Exercise 1

A. Multiple Choice Questions. 

1. The animals (Kingdom Animalia) are mainly grouped under two categories

(a) bilaterally symmetrical and radially symmetrical
(b) coelomate and acoelomate
(c) aquatic and terrestrial
(d) vertebrates and invertebrates

2. Which one of the following examples does not come under the particular group?

(a) Mushroom, Yeast, Fern - Fungi
(b) Paramoecium, Euglena, Sponge - Protista
(c) Starfish, Cuttlefish, Dogfish - Pisces
(d) Bat, Parrot, Oyster - Vertebrates

3. Which one of the following is an example of binomial scientific name?

(a) Green alga
(b) Snow leopard
(c) Rana tigrina
(d) China-rose

4. Which one of the following is the correct statement about the respective animal(s)?

(a) Donkey and horse should be considered one single species because they can successfully              mate and produce an offspring.
(b) Donkey and horse are two different genuses.
(c) Mule is a separate species.
(d) Mule is neither a donkey nor a horse.

Solution A.
1. (d) vertebrates and invertebrates
2. (d) Bat, Parrot, Oyster – Vertebrates
3. (c) Rana tigrina
4. (d) Mule is neither a donkey nor a horse.

B. Very Short Answer Type

1. Who had introduced the binomial system of naming living beings?

Solution B.1.

Carolus Linnaeus had introduced the binomial system of naming living beings.

2. Which two characters out of (a)-(e) given below are common to dog, humans,              squirrel, bat,camel and monkey?

(a) scales on the skin
(b) wings
(c) external ears
(d) give birth to young ones
(e) a functional tail

Solution B.2.

The two characters common to dog, humans, squirrel, bat, camel and monkey are:
(c) external ears
(d) give birth to young ones

 3. Match the items in Column I with as many as possible and even repeatedly from column II.

Column I
Column II
(i) Fungi
2. Earthworm
(ii) Monera
3. Bread mould
(iii) Prokaryote
4. Amoeba
(iv) Gymnosperm
5. Moss
(v) Plantae
(vi) Animalia
(vii) Protista
(viii) Bryophyta

Solution B.3.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

C. Short Answer Type

1. Rearrange the following categories of classification in their proper sequence starting with the highest.
        species, family, genus, class, order, phylum
Solution C.1.

Phylum → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species

2. Give the scientific names of man, domestic cat, and peepal tree.

Solution C.2.  

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification
3. Why are scientific names of living beings considered better than their common names?
Solution C.3.

In science, people from different countries with different languages have to read about each others research. So, it was necessary to eliminate any possible confusion created by local names. Scientific names are based on certain rules which are universal. They are unique and can be used to identify an organism anywhere around the world. That is why, scientific names of living beings are considered better than their common names.

4. Mention any two drawbacks in classifying organisms under the old two kingdom classification.

Solution C.4.

According to the ‘Two-Kingdom Classification’, proposed by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758, living organisms were classified into two broad kingdoms, Plants and Animals.
The drawbacks in classifying organisms under the old two kingdom classification are:
1. Bacteria were kept in Kingdom Plantae. These organisms have no chlorophyll and do not             carry out photosynthesis. Bacteria do not have a definite nucleus nor a nuclear membrane nor            chromosomes.
 2. Fungi were kept in Kingdom Plantae. Bread mould is a multicellular fungi. However, it                does not possess roots, stem and leaves, lacks chlorophyll and does bear any flowers, fruits                and seeds like plants.

 5. All humans on earth today may differ widely in their facial features, colour, height, etc. Yet,    they belong to a single species Homo sapiens. Give one reason why they are not considered          belonging  to different species.

Solution C.5.

Species means an organism of a particular kind whose members can interbreed among themselves to produce fertile young ones.
All humans on the earth today may differ widely in their facial features, colour, height, etc. Yet, they belong to a single species Homo sapiens because they can interbreed among themselves and produce a normal offpsring.

6. Rewrite the following scientific names correctly.
        ficus religiosa (peepal), zea Mays (maize) and Bombyx Mori (silk moth).

Solution C.6.

Ficus religiosa (Peepal)
Zea mays (Maize)
Bombyx mori (Silkmoth)

    7. Name the five kingdoms according to the new classification.

Solution C.7.

The five kingdoms according to the new classification are:
1. Kingdom Monera
2. Kingdom Protista
3. Kingdom Fungi
4. Kingdom Plantae
5. Kingdom Animalia

8.What are the group names of the following categories of animals?

(a) Animals with a backbone _____________
(b) Animals with a hairy skin ___________
(c) Animals with three pairs of legs ___________
(d) Animals with feathers _________

Solution C.8.

Animals with a backbone: Vertebrata
(b) Animals with a hairy skin: Mammalia
(c) Animals with three pairs of legs: Insecta
(d) Animals with feathers: Aves

9. Which ones of the following animals are invertebrates?
         Housefly, Silverfish, Trout, Jellyfish, Whale, Penguin, Lizard and Sponge

Solution C.9.

Invertebrate animals:

1. Housefly
2. Silverfish
3. Jellyfish
4. Sponge

10. Give any one difference between each of the following :

(a) Protozoa and Metazoa,
(b) Vertebrate and Invertebrate,
(c) Insecta and Arachnida,
(d) Flatworm and Roundworm,

Solution C.10.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

11. Given below is a list of ten animals each followed by three terms or features. Underline the           term which does not match with the animal.

(i) Amoeba -Nucleus, tentacle, food vacuole
(ii) Hydra - Invertebrata, Cnidaria, Crustacea
(iii) Fish - Gills, paired fins, ear drum
(iv) Earthworm - Invertebrata, Annelida, Insecta
(v) Grasshopper-Wings, trachea, proboscis
(vi) Butterfly- Insecta, Invertebrata, Mollusca
(vii) Whale - Gills, mammary glands, fat under the skin
(viii) Pigeon - Feathers, wings, hair
(ix) Monkey - External ear, sweat glands, lateral line.
(x) Bat - Aves, Mammalia, Chordata

Solution C.11.

Amoeba – Nucleus, tentacle, food vacuole
(ii) Hydra – Invertebrata, Cnidaria, Crustacea
(iii) Fish – Gills, paired fins, ear drum
(iv) Earthworm – Invertebrata, Annelida, Insecta
(v) Grasshopper – Wings, trachea, proboscis
(vi) Butterfly – Insecta, Invertebrata, Mollusca
(vii) Whale – Gills, mammary glands, fat under the skin
(viii) Pigeon – Feathers, wings, hair
(ix) Monkey – External ear, sweat glands, lateral line
(x) Bat – Aves, Mammalia, Chordata

12. Explain the meaning of the terms cold-blooded and warm-blooded (homeothermal).

Solution C.12.
Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

13. Name three animals (belonging to different classes) which breathe by means of lungs but        have no external ears (pinnae).

Solution C.13.

Class Amphibia: Tree frog
2. Class Reptilia: Cobra
3. Class Aves: Duck

D. Long Answer Type

1. Mention any one major similarity and one major difference in the following pairs of animals:

(a) Insects and Birds
(b) Whales and Fishes
(c) Snakes and Earthworms
(d) Bat and Pigeon
(e) Cuttlefish and Dogfish
(f) Wall lizard and Frog

Solution D.1.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification
Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification
Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

 2. Match the names of animal groups in Column I with the names of animals in column II.
Column I (Group)
Column II (Animals)
    Which names are left out that do not match and why?

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

Amphibia from Column I and Pigeon from column II are left out. They do not match as Pigeon comes under Class Aves and not Class Amphibia.

E. Skill Types

        (One of the extinct animals which lived on the Earth about 100,000,000 years ago) Tyrannosaurus was                about six metres long and it preyed upon other animals.

Selina Solutions Icse Class 9 Biology Chapter - Five Kingdom Classification 

     What do you think about its classification-was it an amphibian, a reptile or a mammal?
      Can you call it a relative of Kangaroo? Yes/No. Give reason

Solution E.1.

No, it is not a relative of Kangaroo as Kangaroo is a mammal and Tyrannosaurus is a reptile.
Characteristics of Tyrannosaurus:

1. Body has scales which may be horny
2. Lays eggs which have a leathery shell
3. One of the dinosaurs which moved on the earth. These ruled the earth. Some were                                vegetarian, others were non-vegetarian. Archaeopteryx is a link between reptiles and birds.                   Its fossils have been found, which vanished from the earth due to ice-age.
4. Had three-chambered heart as ventricles are partially divided
5. Cold-blooded animals

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 8 - Five Kingdom Classification

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