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Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15 Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15  Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

Exercise 1

A. Multiple choice Question

1. No urination due to shortage of water in the body is a typical symptom of

(a) typhoid
(b) malaria
(c) dysentery
(d) cholera

2. Which one of the following is an unhealthy habit? 

(a) Removing wax from inside the ears 
(b) Keeping the mouth closed while breathing 
(c) Sleeping for only 6-7 hours 
(d) Sharing towels with others

3.The protozoan that causes malaria is:

(a) Entamoeba histolytica
(b) Euglena
(c) Paramecium
(d) Plasmodium

4.The chemical substance mainly responsible for tooth disorders is

(a) Calcium
(b) Chloride
(c) Fluorides
(d) Iodides

5. Typhoid is caused by

(a) Housefly
(b) Bacteria
(c) Virus
(d) None of the above

Solution A.

1. (d)
2. (d) Sharing towels with others
3. (d) Plasmodium
4. (c) Fluorides
5. (b) Bacteria

B. Very Short Type Answer

1. Match Column I with that which is most appropriate in Column II.
Column I
Column II
(a) Mosquito
(i) DDT
(b) Plasmodium
(ii) Dengue
(c) Entamoeba histolytica
(iii) Vector
(d) Aedes mosquito
(iv) Malaria
(e) Insecticide
(v) Dysentery

Solution B.1.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15  Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

2. Describe the different ways by which the housefly contaminates our food.

Solution B.2.

The different ways by which the housefly contaminates our food:

1. Hairy body and legs: Hairy or spiny body and legs easily pick up dirt containing germs                     from unhygienic places such as rotten materials, infected wound or faecal matter. When                       these flies sit on our food, they rub their legs continuously dropping the particles of dirt                        onto the food, thereby contaminating it.
2. Pouring out saliva: When the housefly pours its saliva or regurgitates on food, foodstuffs                  get moistened and pathogens get deposited on them. This results in their contamination.
3. Excreta: While feeding on food items, houseflies may deposit their excreta on food,                             contaminating it.
4. Direct transmission of germs: In some cases, houseflies directly transmit the pathogens.                     In case of eye disease trachoma, pathogens are transferred from an infected person to a                         healthy person, when a fly settled on an infected eye of a person sits on the eyes of a                             healthy person.

3. Suggest any two methods of controlling flies.

Solution B.3.

Two methods of controlling flies:

1. Spraying of insecticides
2. Elimination of breeding grounds

4. List any three effective methods for controlling mosquitoes.

Solution B.4.

Effective methods for controlling mosquitoes:

1. Spraying insecticides
2. Food should be protected by covering it
3. Eliminating breeding places of mosquitoes

C. Short Type Answer

1. Name the two common kinds of mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit.

Solution C.1.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15  Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

2. Difference between culex and anopheles (life cycle).

Solution C.2.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15  Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

D. Long Type Answer.

1. Give suitable explanations for the following :

(i) One should breathe by nose and never by mouth.
(ii) Hands must be washed before eating food.
(iii) Eating places must be kept free of flies.

Solution D.1.

(i) One should breathe by nose and never by mouth because nose contains hair and mucous to trap dust and micro-organisms, so that the inhaled air becomes pure and the respiratory passage is free of dust and micro-organisms.

(ii) We handle a variety of things like books, coins, furniture, tools and machinery in workshops, seats and supporting rods in buses and even pets and other domestic animals in our day-to-day life. Many of these objects carry germs. These germs can be picked up by us, when we touch these objects and get transferred to other parts of our body or into our mouth, when we eat our food. Therefore, it is necessary to wash our hands before eating food to avoid the spread of diseases caused due to these germs.

(iii) Flies are carriers of many disease-causing germs and bacteria. Therefore, eating places must be kept free of flies to avoid possible contamination of food.

2. How are cockroaches and rats harmful to humans?

Solution D.2.

Cockroaches and rats are common household pests.

1. Cockroaches are involved in spoiling food, paper and cloth. They may act as carriers of                        viruses, especially those which cause cancer.
2. Rats eat grains and other foods. They also act as carriers of certain pathogens. A parasite                      named rat-fleas lives on rat’s skin. It possibly carries the germs of plague.

3. Name the two types of dysentery and their causative germs and give one main precaution against them.

Solution D.3.

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15  Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

4.Mention three symptoms of the disease Hepatitis.

Solution D.4.

Symptoms of Hepatitis:
  •    Body ache
  •    Yellow eyes
  •    Deep yellow urine
  •    Enlarged liver

Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Biology Chapter 15  Hygiene - A Key To Healthy Life

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